
I want to say good things. I really do. People ask me to update my blog, but I just don't got nothing good to say.

School is . . . hard. These last few months have definitely been the hardest, most frustrating, and most defeating I can remember. I don't want to post complaints but it's all I'm good for these days. Funny how those same days can simultaneously be the best in totally different areas. I think I'm learning from it. I certainly grown in not letting my performance indicate my self-worth.

Soup. Soup. Soup. I had my favorite soup for dinner. French Farmer's Beef Vegetable from Bread and Co. I'm definitely going to miss it if I leave.

Stuart Clark, if you read this, as I'm sure you will, you now owe me Mr. O'Riley's "Everything In It's Right Place."

Currently Listening To: "Alabama," Neil Young

Currently Watching: Paige Davis walk around in Lauren and Mandy's jeans


This is me updating my blog.


I don't want to be that girl that only updates her blog once a week but . . . well . . .

This evening I decided that I am officially too emotionally invested in ballet flats. When I have free time, I google "ballet flats" or go see if Saks or Nordstrom has any new pairs. No one I know likes my ballet flats, so I certainly am not choosing them to gain acceptance. If I had money, I would own a lot more pairs. Especially them Delman kind.

School is ridiculous. I don't even want to try to talk about it.

Today I drove on the Natchez Parkway outside Nashville and listened to not one, but two Gillian Welch albums (Revival and Hell Among the Yearlings, for those who care). The drive was pretty but nothing Boonies would respect.

Can I puh-puh-puh-please have a puppy? I have seen like 15 on campus this week.

Tomorrow, I am going to wear a scandalously short skirt. And you know what? It don't matter. Ain't nobody gonna see me anyway. I can be my scandalous self all the live long day. I might even wear a pair of ballet flats too.


I have not written lately. My apologies. So much and so little has been going on, but here are my thoughts.

School: You may (or may not) know that I am deciding whether or not to go back to school this week. Yesterday, the only option I seemed able to take was to leave. It didn't seem like a great choice, but it was the only one I could make work. Today I think I will stay.

Stuart: Yippie! He is my most favoritest puppy.

Politics: What a messy topic. My german class got in a big argument today that somewhat involved this. The committee that discusses medical ethics just put out a 700-page anthology of world literature that deals with the question of what is human, what makes the human experience. Those that spoke up said it was a poorly disguised piece of propaganda produced by a committee biased against stem cell research. Of course, I said nothing. Being a political christian seems to end up being someone who makes everybody mad. No political party has it down so there is ample opportunity to offend all of them. There is much I wish I could educate myself about. I know I feel certain ways about certain things but I have no real facts to back me up. As Christians, we should be educated about these things. Politics isn't just philosophy. It's outcome means life or death in so many areas. I wish I knew so much more.

CMT Flameworthy Awards: Gaylord entertainment couldn't guarantee CMT space for the show, so it will now be held at Vanderbilt's very own Memorial Gym. I find this really funny. Little Jimmy Dickens will be yards from my dorm.

Naps: I haven't take one today, yet, and it's 3:11.


Stuart Clark will be home in . . . 8 hours. PTL the Lord. I know France is great, but . . . . yeah . . . 8 hours.


He's glad for the crop, but it's me that He loves.


So, would you love me just as much if I was just your stupid kid?


Saturday nights with Garrison Keillor are a fond memory.

Needing a little encouragement, I went to see who was on this week and instead found GK's Travel Blog. He's in London right now and getting along in a splendidly awkward manner.

I always thought I could listen to him talk forever. I think I could read him for pretty close to that.


I have become empowered, literally speaking.

My "I" key is broken. I have to stab it to make it work. There was once a book written that did not once use the letter "I". Or was it "E"? Either way . . .

I am listening to Kid A right now (the album and the song, but I'm referring to the album in general). It pays to discover . . . and to have full rights to Stuart's musicial collection as a result of being a significant other. It is such a great CD. GREAT!

I going to say all sorts of cutsie things about Stuart until the day that every member of the friendship group throws up in disgust. That day was probably yesterday.

Mo Rocca was hilarious. I'd heard that he might not be as funny in person, but that just wasn't the case. He's such a delightful, confidently awkward guy. He showed a picture of his cat. His cat's name is Cookie. He apologetically said he just finished filming his parts for I Love the 90s (Remember way back when the first Matrix came out?). A girl asked him if he'd be her date to some sorority (sp?) function. Her nervousness put me and my "Goggles" statement to shame.